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APIs Reports Manager

10. Turbo Dial grouped by machine code

URL: https://wv{{wolkvox_server}}{{date_ini}}&date_end={{date_end}}


With this API, you will be able to obtain the report of each machine code detected by the Turbo Dial service in the campaigns.


It accurately analyzes the efficiency and performance of Turbo Dial.

How it works:

  • This API is consumed using the GET method.
  • To use this API, replace {{wolkvox_server}} in the URL with the server nomenclature of the operation.
  • You must use the wolkvox-token header for authorization.
  • Please note that the same token cannot be consumed simultaneously, so you can schedule the next API call after the successful completion of the previous one.
  • For operational tracking purposes, you can consume the information every 5 minutes.
  • Limit of records that can be downloaded per consumption: 60,000 records.
  • Limit of records that can be uploaded per consumption: 10,000 records.
  • Limit of days queried in dates: 31 days.
  • Limit of result weight: 256 MB.
  • API consumption time limit: 60 seconds.
  • Concurrent consumption limit of a token: 2 simultaneous requests.
  • Daily limit of tokens: Number of licenses multiplied by 1000 daily tokens.


apiType of report required.String
campaign_idNumeric identification of the campaign. It can receive the value “all” to obtain the report of all campaigns of the operation.String
date_iniStart date (YYYYmmddHHiiss).String
date_endDate end (YYYYmmddHHiiss).String


machinecodeMachine code. It can yield the following values: answer machine, no answer, failed, answer, congestion, abandon, busy, and chanunavail (channel unavailable for the outgoing call).String
cantidadNumber of times the referenced machine code was detected.String
possible response codes


    "code": "200",
    "error": null,
    "msg": "x records were found",
    "data": [
            "machinecode": "",
            "cantidad": ""
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