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APIs Reports Manager

1. Call Detail En

URL: https://wv{{wolkvox_server}}{{YYYYmmddHHiiss}}&date_end={{YYYYmmddHHiiss}} Description: This report provides a complete view of the call details, classified by activity code and description; identifying the campaign, the call, the customer, the agent and who ends the interaction; and indicating the date, destination, phone, duration and cost of the communication. Benefit: This report allows for tracking of accounting by indicating the value of voice service consumption. How it works:
  • This API is consumed by GET method.
  • To consume this API, you must replace in the URL {ip_ipdialbox} by the server nomenclature of the operation and the {token} generated from wolkvox Manager to obtain the information securely.
  • Note that the same token cannot be consumed simultaneously, so you can program the next API to be consumed when the result of the previous one is successful.
  • In terms of time, to track your operation you can make a consumption every 5 minutes of the information.
api Type of report required String
date_ini Initial Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) String
date_end Final Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) String
agent_name Name of the agent String
date Indicates the date in the format yearmonthdayhour String
destiny Indicates the destination of the call String
telephone Indicates the telephone number to which the call was made String
cost It is the price of the use of the product String
time_seg Indicates time in units of seconds String
time_min Indicates time in units of minutes String
cod_act Refers to the classification of the call String
cod_act_2 Refers to the classification of the call 2 String
description_cod_act Description of classification of the call String
description_cod_act_2 Description of classification of the call 2 String
type_interaction Indicates the type of call, it can be inbound, outbound and internal String
customer_id It corresponds to the identification number of the customer String
hang_up Indicates who ended the interaction String
campaign_id It corresponds to the identification number of the campaign String
conn_id It corresponds to the identification number of the call String
skill_id It refers to the numerical identification of the skill String
skill_name Name of the skill String
agent_id It refers to the numerical identification of each of the users of wolkvox Agent String
comment Comment String
Posibles códigos de respuesta


    "code": 200,
    "error": null,
    "msg": "1 records were found",
    "data": [
            "agent_name": "",
            "date": "",
            "destiny": "",
            "telephone": "",
            "cost": "",
            "time_seg": "",
            "time_min": "",
            "cod_act": "",
            "cod_act_2": "",
            "description_cod_act": "",
            "description_cod_act_2": "",
            "type_interaction": "",
            "customer_id": "",
            "hang_up": "",
            "campaign_id": "",
            "conn_id": "",
            "skill_id": "",
            "skill_name": "",
            "agent_id": "",
            "comment": ""


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