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APIs Reports Manager

3. Evaluation details by attribute En

URL: https://wv{{wolkvox_server}}{{YYYYmmddHHiiss}}&date_end={{YYYYmmddHHiiss}} Description: This report allows a detailed evaluation by attributes in terms of quality of agent performance taking into account attribute categories, error type, date, call identification and agent data. Benefit: By means of the attributes (individual components of the interaction such as greeting, negotiation, farewell) identify the processes and agents that have made critical and non-critical errors in order to create action models and ensure quality from the first attempt. How it works:
  • The consumption of this API is done by GET method.
  • To consume this API you must replace in the url {{{wolkvox_server}} by the nomenclature of the server of the operation.
  • The wolkvox-token header must be used to make use of the authorization token.
  • Note that the same token cannot be consumed simultaneously, so you can schedule the next API to be consumed when the result of the previous one is successful.
  • In terms of time, to keep track of your operation you can make a consumption every 5 minutes of the information.
api Type of report required String
date_ini Initial Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) String
date_end Final Date (YYYYmmddHHiiss) String
conn_id Corresponds to the call identification number String
agent_id Refers to the numerical identification of each wolkvox Agent user. String
agent_name Agent’s name String
attribute Actions to be performed in a standardized manner String
type_error Indicates whether the error is critical or non-critical according to the parameterization of the quality matrix. String
yes/no According to the result indicates yes or no to the presence of an error. String
date Indicates the date with format year-month-day-time String
survey Relates to the template used for the evaluation String
category Element that is part of the customer service actions (greeting, negotiation, farewell). String
quality_analyst The person in charge of analyzing the quality of interactions between the client and the consultant String
Posibles códigos de respuesta


    "code": 200,
    "error": null,
    "msg": "1 records were found",
    "data": [
            "conn_id": "",
            "agent_id": "",
            "agent_name": "",
            "attribute": "",
            "type_error": "",
            "yes/no": "",
            "date": "",
            "survey": "",
            "category": " ",
            "quality_analyst": ""

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